Using Calabash, you can launch VM-based or Kubernetes-based microservices quite effortlessly. But if you need a microservice with a Kafka client environment, you will need some extra help.
Calabash has created a “kafka-client” docker image to help you prepare your Kafka client environment. A Kafka client environment has the following set-up for you.
- TLS (SSL) certificates carrying Kafka usernames.
- Kafka client property files for admin, producer, and consumer.
This tutorial track introduces the “kafka-client” docker image. We will use the docker image to build and deploy a microservice that consumes and produces records in Kafka topics. In this process, we will utilize all the objects deployed in prior tutorial tracks, including the PCA, Kafka, and KCE.
There are two ways to run a microservice. One is by deploying it to a standalone VM, and another is by deploying it to a Kubernetes cluster. We will practice both methods.